Objective Redux

Redux made better, objectively.

Code Splitting

If you need to call an action from outside your package, you can give the action a name using the withAddressableName method.

// For Reducers
class MyControllerClass extends StateController {
  // ...
  setSwitch = this.createReducingAction(
    (state, isOn) => ({ isOn })
  ).withAddressableName('SET_SWITCH_STATE'); // <--

// For Sagas
class MyControllerClass extends StatelessController {
  // ...
  toggleSwitch = this.createSagaAction(
    function *() {
      const myController = yield getControllerFromSagaContext(MyController);
      yield myController.myAction(payload);
    .withAddressableName('SET_SWITCH_STATE') // <--

You may also want to allow your controller to be initialized when a non-Objective Redux action is performed. This ensures that, if an action targeting your controller is fired before you've used the getInstance method for that controller in your application, Objective Redux can find the controller to handle the event.


Then, your reducer or saga can be called with

const myAction = createAction(
  getActionNameForController('My-Controller', 'SET_SWITCH_STATE')
// The ObjectiveStore instance will see that the action targets MyControllerClass. It will
// call MyControllerClass.getInstance(objectiveStore) for you to initialize the controller
// prior to the action being fired.