Objective Redux

Redux made better, objectively.

Use with React-Redux

Objective Redux is fully compatible with React-Redux. Just instantiate the ObjectiveStore and pass it as the store for the React-Redux provider.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { ObjectiveStoreProvider, ObjectiveStore } from 'objective-redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

export const objectiveStore = new ObjectiveStore();

  <ObjectiveStoreProvider objectiveStore={objectiveStore}>
    <Provider store={objectiveStore}>
      // Your components here

There's nothing special after that—the components can still be connected in the same way, as shown below.

  import React from 'react';
  import { connect } from 'react-redux';
  function ReactReduxComponent(props) {
    const { isOn } = props;
        Turn { isOn ? 'Off' : 'On' }
  export default connect(
    (state, ownProps) => ({

To fire events to Objective Redux, use the createAction and getActionNameForController helper functions. Make sure that actions have a name set using the withAddressableName method. See the code splitting topic for more.

import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { createAction, getActionNameForController } from 'objective-redux';

const action = createAction(getActionNameForController('switchSagas', 'update-switch'));

function ReactReduxComponent(props) {
  const { isOn, dispatch } = props;

  const sendToggleAction = () => {

    <button onClick={sendToggleAction}>
      Turn { isOn ? 'Off' : 'On' }

export default connect(
  (state, ownProps) => ({